

‘Childhood Island’ Holiday to Be Held in Novosibirsk

On June 1, Children’s Day the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex will turn into ‘Childhood Island’ - a grand holiday that coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Novosibirsk District.

The holiday organized by the Administration of the Novosibirsk District and the Siberia Expo Company will become the first vibrant chord of the summer and offer its visitors an extensive cultural, sports, and entertainment program for children of all ages.



International Forum ‘Transport of Siberia’ Opened in Novosibirsk

Major events of the Siberian transport sphere – the specialty exhibition of transport industry, transport, storage logistics and infrastructure TransSiberia 2014, the exhibitionof spare parts, car chemicals, car accessories, equipment, and car maintenance ‘AutoSib - 2014’, as well as the 3rd International Forum ‘Transport of Siberia’ – were launched in Novosibirsk.



Results of the Contest ‘Dignified Image of Russian Business’ Will Be Announced at the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex

On May 29 the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex will be hosting the final stage of the best managerial practices contest ‘Dignified Image of Russian Business’ during which the winners will be announced. 



Drift Show of Siberian Racers to Take Place in Novosibirsk

On May 31 the outdoor territory of the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex will be hosting the Cup of the Novosibirsk Automobile Federation Drift Contests. 



The Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex Hosted the International Cosmetics Exhibition ‘Siberian Aquarelle. SibBeauty 2014’

For 4 days Novosibirsk had turned into the Centre of beauty centre. On May 21-24 the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex hosted the International Exhibition of Cosmetics, Tools, Equipment, and Accessories for Beauty Salons ‘Siberian Aquarelle. SibBeauty 2014’. Over 5 thousand visitors attended the Novosibirsk Expo Centre during the exhibition days. 



Major Event of Car Market to Be Held at the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex

On May 28-31 the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex will be hosting the exhibition of spare parts, car chemicals, car accessories, equipment, and car maintenance ‘AutoSib - 2014’. 



The Road and Transport Complex Development Will Be Discussed at the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex

On May 28-31 the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex will be hosting the 3rd International Forum ‘Transport of Siberia’ and the exhibition devoted to transport industry, transport, storage logistics, and infrastructure TransSiberia 2014.



Medizinische Informationssysteme wurden auf dem Forum „Infosibir“ diskutiert

Das „Novosibirsk Expocenter“ wurde zum Tagungsort des Überregionalen Forums „Infosibir“. Über 200 Leiter, Fachleute und Experten, die Implementierung von Informationssystemen im Gesundheitswesen, sozialen Bereich, in der Bildung, Wissenschaft und Industrie, aus 21 Regionen der Russischen Föderation kamen nach Nowosibirsk, um am Forum teilzunehmen.



Die Internationale medizinische Messe „MedSib“ wurde im „Novosibirsk Expocenter“ eröffnet

Zwei medizinische Messen wurden gleichzeitig im „Novosibirsk Expocenter“ eröffnet: Das sind die 25. Internationale Messe „MedSib – 2014“ und die Messe für Zahnmedizin „SibDent – 2014“. In diesem Jahr nehmen 125 Unternehmen aus 22 Städten Russlands, sowie aus der Ukraine, Malaysia, Deutschland und China an der Messe MedSib“ teil. An der Messe „SibDent – 2014“ nehmen 48 Unternehmen aus sieben Städten Russlands, sowie aus China und Polen teil. Gleichzeitig mit den Messen nahm das Forum „Gesundheitswesen Sibiriens“ seine Tätigkeit auf. Über 1000 Fachleute aus Russland, Deutschland und Kasachstan kamen ins „Novosibirsk Expocenter“, um am Forum teilzunehmen.



Beauty Industry Exhibition ‘Siberian Aquarelle. SibBeauty 2014’ at the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex

On May 21-24 the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex will be hosting the International Exhibition of Cosmetics, Tools, Equipment, and Accessories for Beauty Salons ‘Siberian Aquarelle. SibBeauty 2014’. According to the information provided by the exhibition organizer, ‘ITE Siberia’ Company, one of the largest beauty industry exhibitions in the Asian part of Russia will be featuring 112 companies from Russia and Israel. 


