All-Russian Show for Dogs of All Breeds 'Legend 2014' to Be Held in Novosibirsk

















On July 5, 2014 the Novosibirsk Expo Centre International Exhibition Complex will be hosting the All-Russian Show for Dogs of All Breeds. Over 300 pedigree dogs from Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Omsk, Pokopyevsk, and Novosibirsk will arrive in Novosibirsk to take part in the show.

Visitors of the Complex will be able to see shepherd dogs, guard dogs, terriers, and badger dogs. The first group will be featuring Australian, German, White Swiss, Scottish Shepherd Dogs (Collies). The second group will include Rottweilers, Russian Black Terriers, St. Bernards, Bulldogs, Great Danes, Bullmastiffs, Dogues de Bordeaux, German Boxers, Giant Schnauzers, Miniature Schnauzers. Terriers of various breeds will be presented in the third group – Yorkshire Terriers, Bedlington Terriers, Scotch Terriers, Fox Terriers, Jack Russell Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Airedale Terriers.  

According to the event organizer, Head of the Novosibirsk Canine Club ‘Legend’ Tatyana Koneva, experts will single out 3 best dogs out of 300 participants. The winners will be awarded special dog food, goblets, and decorative rosettes. 

Preparedness of dogs and their pedigrees will be assessed by the expert of RCF (Russian Canine Federation) and FCI Georgiy Baklushin (the City of Moscow), expert of RCF Irina Koryukhina (the Town of Ivanovo), expert of RCF Yevgeniy Lepyokha (the City of Novosibirsk).

The show will be held at 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M., July 5, 2014. Admittance for visitors is free of charge.

